Hi! Welcome to the home of the Lov'em BBW's Ring! Hosted by Bigger And Better
We're glad you came by, and we look forward to checking out your
site to make sure that it lives up to the standards that we
wish to uphold with this web-ring. Please check out the
rules before sending in the form
to add your site to the ring.
You must go to this other place to give a bunch of info.
This would be a good time to download the graphics that make up
the ring because they are right on the form page!
Once you fill out the form, the *very next page* will
contain the code you need to put on your home or ring page.
It will be "ready made" with your name, email address,
and your "site ID".
Submit your address to the ring by clicking here to get to the form and give vital info!
You will be sent back to this page after filling out the form,
but there is very little more for you to do. Just put the code
on your page, upload the graphics to your server in the same
directory, and your done! I have left the fonts and text colors
up to you, so please do make sure to include font colors
in your ring page that contrast from the background color!
Here is the html code just in case you really don't trust
the code that is made up, or if that page "expired" on you
before you could copy the code. Of course, you have to
change the name, email address, and Id on this code.
Click here to get the code sample code.
Thanks so much for applying to be in our ring! I am looking
forward to coming up with a few more specialty rings in the future
as the need arises! If you find that you need to edit
the info that you gave us when first applying, then simply
whip out your id number and password and use them
to edit your site here.
Need help? please
Here is another graphic that can be used.