We're glad you came by, and we look forward to checking out your
site to make sure that it lives up to the standards that we
wish to uphold with our web-ring. Please check out the
rules before sending in the form
to add your site to the ring.
Before you can come back to this page you will have already
verified the stuff that you entered in the form. When you are given
an "ID" number, that page also contains the code already
made up and ready for you to copy and paste right to your page!
So just copy and paste that code where you want it to show,
at the same address you gave on the form. The ring graphics
are also at that page, but they are here too because this page
is on the ring!
Check back periodically to see if we have added you! It
won't be long because we'll keep an eye on the "queue".
Thanks so much for applying to be in our ring! I am looking
forward to coming up with a few more specialty rings in the future
as the need arises! If you find that you need to edit
the info that you gave us when first applying, then simply
whip out your id number and password and use them
to edit your site here.