Hi! Rules, rules, rules!
First, you have to be someone who likes to party!
This is about BBW's & FA's who like to party, so
to be on this ring, it is recommended that you have
been to some kind of "bash" or "BBW/FA Event" of
some sort. Of course, even if you *plan to go* to a
"BBW event" that means you still have the mind set of
a "BBW or FA Party Person" and you should give our ring a shot!
Secondly, but it should be first, *no diet ads*! That's right,
sorry Richard Simmons and Jenny C., we don't like no diet ads!
This rule would be obvious, but *your code and graphics must appear*
on the page you want to be on the ring. If you have "ring pages" that
is fine, great in fact. I'm sure it frees your page up from some
clutter, but, please give the url in your form as where the ring
is going to be. Then do two things, make a *clear link to your page
FROM your ring page*, and make a clear link *to your rings page*
from your main page. I'm sure you understand why. Somebody hits
your page from the ring, and they can't figure out how to get out
of your ring page and onto your "home" page! Worse yet, you may have
put an ad for *some other site* on the top of your ring page, and
your sending people (including us when we review your site) straight
to that page! We also want to be able to *find your rings* somewhere
when looking at your site. If you hide the ring, someone "gets lost"
and can't hit the next button once they have gotten to your site. As
a "ring-master" this is a big no-no!
Thanks ahead of time for sticking to the rules, we have had to
do it ourselves to get on the rings on our pages, and we appreciate
you doing the same now for us, thanks.
Ok, how do I get on this ring? Good question! First thing you
want to do is to submit the form to us so that you can *get*
your "id". The id is a number that will be given to you, that
is entered in the code that you will get on the next step. I've
joined a lot of rings in my time, so I'm going to try and use that
info to help make this as easy as I can for *you* because we want
you on our ring! Step one though, go here to get the code.
Submit your address to us by clicking here
to get the form.
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